下記Youtubeの曲はピアノが気持ちいい感じです。部屋で夜にマッタリ聴いてくださることをおすすめします。Adam Youngのサイドプロジェクトらしいですね。下記にあるOwl Cityもよく似ているポップなエレクトロニカですが、とてもGOODなアーティストですよ。'Port Blue' is the ambient side project of multi-instrumentalist Adam Young, better known for being the artist behind Owl City and Sky Sailing. "...Port Blue is music that can be heard playing in elevators, hotel lobbies, airports, museums and restaurants inside my head. It is the soundtrack to my dreams. If I wrote music for movies, this is what my film scores would sound like. Last.fm