いつかの、Euphoneみたいだ!!ジャズアグレッシブエレクトロニカ(笑)てなイメージかな。要は、かなりテクニシャンなジャズバンドがエレクトロニカちっくにアグレッシブなリズムを奏でる、即興とも思える、バンドミュージックです(でもイメージはエレクトロニカちっく、ということ、わかるかな。)。Them, Roaringtwenties are a jazz influenced math-rock four piece living collectively in Chicago. Formed in late fall 2005, They have since played well over 150 shows throughout the midwestern United States, including three self-booked tours in 2006 and 2007. They released a self-recorded live EP entitled “Vagina Monologues” through their own Music Basic record label and have continued to promote themselves through DIY practices...